Information/Cyber Security
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Module 1: Overview and Recap of Pre-requisites Course information and protocols, A bigger picture of cybersecurity and CIA triad, categories of cybersecurity, some famous cyber-attacks and their impacts. A discussion on Course matrix | HO 1.1 | |
2 | Different options to set up a Virtual Hacking lab. Installing Kali Linux, Windows10, Ubuntu Server, Metasploitable2, Metasploitable3 and Flare-VM using Hypervisor (VirtualBox, UTM, VMware, Parallel Desktop, MS Hyper-V) and/or Docker containers. | HO 1.2 | |
3 | Recap of Operating Systems: Versioning history of MS Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Android. Linux File hierarchy standard and basic shell commands for file management, I/O redirection, IPC, and file permissions. How and where Linux store passwords. Basic cryptography and related Linux tools for encoding, hashing, encryption, digital signatures and digital certificates. | HO 1.3 | |
4 | Internetworking concepts with Linux: TCP/IP stack and addressing. Creating a network of virtual lab machines (ifconfig, ping, arp, route). Working of DNS/BIND using tools like host, nslookup, and dig. The Linux super daemon (xinetd) and how it manages chargen, time, daytime, discard, echo, telnet services. Bind vs Reverse shell. A hands-on practice of some servers like telnet, ssh, ftp, apache, msql and managing them using systemctl utility. Capturing and analyzing network traffic using Wireshark. | HO 1.4 | |
5 | Module 2: Network Attacks and Penetration Testing What is ethical hacking? Vulnerability, exploit and payload. OS vulnerabilities, OWASP Top10 for web and mobile applications. Life Cycle of Penetration Testing. Cyber-attacks and malware types. Different ways to achieve anonymity. Deep web vs the Dark web | HO 2.1 | |
6 | Phase 1 of Pen-testing is Reconnaissance and Information Gathering. Hands on practice of some commonly used tools for passive reconnaissance like host, nslookup, dig, whois, knockpy, netdiscover, traceroute, whatweb, theHarvester, sherlock, wfw00f, Google Dorking, OSINT framework. | HO 2.2 | |
7 | Phase 2 of Pen-testing is Scanning and Vulnerability Analysis. Understanding the Common Vulnerability Exposures (CVE). A hands-on practice of scanning and vulnerability analysis using tools like nmap, searchsploit, nessus, and OpenVAS for scanning different services running on the Metasploitable2 machine | HO 2.3 | |
8 | Overview of Metasploit Framework and using msfconsole for scanning and vulnerability analysis. Anatomy, structure and basic command sequence of msfconsole. Hands on practice of auxiliary module of MSF for scanning different services running on Metasploitable2 machine. | HO 2.4 | |
9 | Phase 3 of Pen-testing is Exploitation and Gaining Access. Exploiting different vulnerable services on Metasploitable2 machine like information disclosure, misconfigured bindshell, samba, vsftpd, httpd, tomcat, UnrealIRCd, distccd, VNC, SMTP, PostgreSQL services. Launching brute force attack on ssh and telnet services running on M2. Practical implementation exploiting NetBIOS/SMB on MS Windows10 machine using Eternal Blue DoublePulsar. | HO 2.5 | |
10 | What are payloads and shellcodes. Public repositories hosting ready to use payloads. Generating your own payloads using tools like msfvenom and veil for creating a new user, spawning a local shell, spawning a bindshell and reverse shell. Using VirusTotal for analyzing programs having malicious codes embedded inside. | HO 2.6 | |
11 | Phase 4 of Pen-testing is Privilege Escalation. Common privilege escalation techniques. Privilege escalation using MSF post module. Hands on examples of privilege escalation by exploiting services like distcc, and postgreSQL on M2. | HO 2.7 | |
12 | Phase 5 of Pen-testing is Maintaining Access and Persistence mechanisms. A hands-on example of maintaining access after exploiting NetBIOS on M3 using EternalBlue exploit. Phase 6 of Pen-testing is Covering Tracks. Overview of log files in Linux and MS Windows OS. Common tools for clearing/covering your tracks. | HO 2.8 | |
13 | Web Application Pen-Testing – I: Architecture of web-app, OWASP Top10 vulnerabilities, Famous insecure web applications (DVWA, WebGoat, Juice Shop). Hands on practice of capturing http request/response packets using Proxy, Target and Repeater tabs of Burp suite. | HO 2.9 | |
14 | Web Application Pen-Testing – II: Launching brute-force attacks using Hydra and Intruder tab of Burp suite. What is command injection vulnerability? How do you find that a web app suffers with this vulnerability? How do you exploit this vulnerability? How to mitigate this vulnerability? A hands-on practice of exploiting Command Injection vulnerability on M2 | HO 2.10 | |
15 | Web Application Pen-Testing – III: What is HTML, XSS, and SQL injection vulnerability? How do you find that a web app suffers with these vulnerabilities? How do you exploit these vulnerabilities? How to mitigate these vulnerabilities? A hands-on practice of exploiting HTML, XSS, and SQLi vulnerabilities on M2. Can we get a meterpreter shell after exploiting these vulnerabilities? | HO 2.11 | |
16 | Offensive Mobile Application Security – I: Intro to the History of Android The Booting Process of an Android Device The Structure of Android OS Introduction to the Android App and apk structure Main Components of a mobile app — views, intent, intent filters, services, and broadcast receivers | HO 2.12 | |
17 | Offensive Mobile Application Security – II: Installation and usage of different tools like Adb, jadx, apktool, jarsigner, apksigner Difference between a rooted and un-rooted device and basic process detailing how to root a device. Getting to the file structure of Android OS Compiling and Decompiling an apk | HO 2.13 | |
18 | Offensive Mobile Application Security – III: Creating a payload to exploit android device using msfvenom Injecting a legitimate apk with a payload to exploit android device Manually injecting payload in an android apk for exploiting device. | HO 2.14 | |
19 | Module 3: Reverse Engineering & Binary Exploitation Recap of C-Compilation process, Creating and using your own static and dynamic libraries. Secure vs un-secure C programs. Exploiting Set-SUID privileged programs, Exploiting system() function using command injection and environment variables, Exploiting shared libraries using LD_PRELOAD environment variables. Exploiting sudo vulnerability (CVE-2019-14287). Exploiting ShellShock vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271) | HO 3.1 | |
20 | Recap of x86-64 assembly: Intro to processor specific assembly languages. Registers set of AMD x86-64 processor, structure of x86-64 assembly program, categories of x86-64 assembly instructions, some basic assembly programs making use of system calls, library calls, and making conditional and unconditional jumps, User defined functions and function calling convention (System-V AMD64 ABI, and MS X64 calling convention). Function stack frame and its growing and shrinking. What is reverse engineering and hello world examples of reversing some binaries. Overview of debuggers and hands on practice of using gdb with Wrappers like PEDA and GEF. | HO 3.2 | |
21 | Overview of Buffer overflow vulnerability, Types of BoF (stack based, heap based, IO2BO. A hands-on practice of deep understanding of BoF inside gdb with GEF. How to exploit BoF? Finding the location of saved return address on the stack, where to jump (same program, some other library function, some injected malicious code) | HO 3.3 | |
22 | What are Shell Codes? Downloading them from public repositories, generating them using tools like msfvenom, pwntools and writing your own shell codes using assembly language. Testing all the shell codes inside stand-alone C program to verify their working. | HO 3.4 | |
23 | Exploiting a BoF vulnerable program by injecting your own shell code to spawn a local shell inside and outside a debugger. A hands-on practice of exploiting a vulnerable echo server binary running on M2 and getting a remote access from Kali Linux machine. | HO 3.5 | |
24 | Mitigation techniques for BoF vulnerability. Developer based techniques, OS based techniques (DEP, ASLR), Compiler based techniques (stack canary, PIC/PIE, CFP). | HO 3.6 | |
25 | Return-into-Libc attacks and Return Oriented Programming | HO 3.7 | |
26 | Exploiting Race Condition Vulnerability and its mitigations. Exploiting Dirty COW vulnerability (CVE-2016-5159), Understanding out-of-order execution and melt-down attack. | HO 3.8 | |
27 | Module 4A: Malware Development Introduction to network programming using python. Changing MAC addresses of devices in the network. Introduction to ARP Spoofing. Creating and sending ARP request and response packets. Generating and restoring ARP table. Packet sniffing. Extracting data from a specific layer and its fields. Analyzing and extracting password Introduction to DNS Spoofing. Filtering DNS responses. Redirecting DNS responses. Writing a File interceptor. Filtering traffic based on a port. Analyzing, intercepting and modifying HTTP requests. Intercepting and replacing downloads on the network | ||
28 | Modifying HTTP responses and injecting JavaScript code in HTML pages. BeEF overview and basic Hook Method. Hooking computers using code injector. BeEF commands. Delivering malware using BeEF Sending emails from your code. Stealing saved passwords from remote computers. Logging key strokes and reporting them via emails. Creating a listener and a backdoor. Downloading / uploading files from/to the target machine / backdoor. Converting Python programs to exe files | ||
29 | Packaging programs Running programs from startup. Creating Trojan. Using download and execute payload. Embedding files in program code. Bypassing antivirus programs. Adding icons. Spoofing file extensions | ||
30 | Module 4B: Malware Analysis: Overview of Malware Analysis: Toolchain for static analysis Toolchain for dynamic analysis | ||
31 | Analyzing malware binaries-I | ||
32 | Analyzing malware binaries-II |
Tools & Techniques for Data Science
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Module-1 (Overview of Course)A discussion on course information and protocols. Evolution of technology and data generation sources. Structured, semi-structured and un-structured data. What is Data Science? Factors making data science ubiquitous. Applications of data science in the domains of social media, banking, e-commerce, web-based search engines, travelling, health care, automation, credit and insurance. How to do data science? Who is a data scientist? Skill sets of a data scientist. Programming languages, tools and techniques involved in doing data science. 3 Vs of Big Data and tools used to handle Volume, Variety, and Velocity. Python libraries for data science tasks. Why data science is so complicated? Six phases of data science life cycle: Business Problem, Data Acquisition, Data Processing, EDA and Visualization, ML Model Creation-Training-Evaluation, Deployment and Monitoring. Industry job roles and salary trends in data science domain. | Lec-1.1 1.2 | VL-1.1 Course GitHub Repository VL-1.2 |
2 | Version Control Systems: | Lec-1.3 RPaper-01 RPaper-02 RPaper-03 | VL-1.3 |
3 | Module-2 (Basics of Python Programming)Python Environment: STRING: | Lec 2.1 Lec 2.2 Lec 2.3 Hello Jupyter Markdown Variables Numbers Operators Python Strings | VL-2.1 VL-2.2 VL-2.3 VL-2.4 |
4 | LIST: TUPLE: SET: DICTIONARY: | Python Lists Tuples Sets Dictionary | VL-2.5 VL-2.6 VL-2.7 VL-2.8 |
5 | SELECTION STRUCTURE: REPETITION STRUCTURE: FUNCTIONS: | If-Else Loops Functions 1 | VL-2.9 VL-2.10 VL-2.11 |
6 | EXCEPTIONS: BUILT IN MODULES AND PACKAGES: CREATING MODULES AND PACKAGES: | Functions 2 Exceptions Modules 1 Modules 2 | VL-2.12 VL-2.13 VL-2.14 VL-2.15 |
7 | FILE HANDLING: | File Handling | VL-2.16 |
8 | REGULAR EXPRESSION: Python re module, match() and search() function, matching vs searching, Regular expression modifiers, patterns, and special sequences. The match(), findall(), search(), split() and sub() functions | RE-1 RE-2 | VL-2.17 VL-2.18 |
9 | Module 3 (Python for Data Scientist)NUMPY: | NumPy-01 NumPy-02 | VL-3.1 VL-3.2 |
10 | NUMPY: | NumPy-03 NumPy-04 NumPy-05 | VL-3.3 VL-3.4 VL-3.5 |
11 | NUMPY: | NumPy-06 NumPy-07 NumPy-08 | VL-3.6 VL-3.7 VL-3.8 |
12 | PANDAS: | Panda-01 Panda-02 Panda-03 | VL-3.9 VL-3.10 VL-3.11 |
13 | PANDAS: Understanding Indices of a Dataframe, Selecting Row(s) and Column(s) of a Dataframe using `df[]`, Selecting Rows and Columns using `iloc` Method, Selecting Rows and Columns using `loc` Method, Conditional Selection, Selecting columns of a specific data type Modifying Column labels of Dataframe. Modifying Row indices of Dataframe. Modifying Row(s) Data (Records) of a Dataframe. Modifying multiple Rows using `map()`, `df.remove()`, `df.apply()`, `df.applymap()` methods | Panda-04 Panda-05 Panda-06 | VL-3.12 VL-3.13 VL-3.14 |
14 | PANDAS: Have an insight about the Dataset, Identify Column(s) containing Null/Missing values using df.isna() method, Handle/Impute the Null/Missing Values under the Column using `df.loc`, Handle Missing values under a Numeric/Categorical Column using fillna() method, Handle Repeating Values (for same information), Create a new Column by Modifying an Existing Column, Delete Rows containing NaN values using df.dropna() method, Convert Categorical Variables into Numerical. Overview of Aggregation Functions and the `agg()` method, Computing the Minimum Temperature of different Cities using hard way, groupby methods. Practice GroupBy on Stack Overflow Survey Dataset. | Panda-07 Panda-08 Panda-09 | VL-3.15 VL-3.16 VL-3.17 |
15 | PANDAS: Reshape Data Using `pivot()` , `pivot_table()` , `melt()` and `crosstab()` methods. Recap of Python’s Built-in Time and Datetime Modules, Overview of Pandas Time Series Data Structures, Converting Strings to Pandas DateTime64 type, Convert a Scalar String to DateTime, Convert Pandas Series to DateTime, Handling Issues of DateTime Formats, Convert a Single Integer to Pandas DateTime, Practicing with a Simple Dataset, UFO Dataset, and Crypto-Currency Dataset, Concept of Up Sampling and Down Sampling, Bonus Task. | Panda-10 Panda-11 Panda-12 | VL-3.18 VL-3.19 VL-3.20 |
16 | EDA AND VISUALIZATION: Understanding Bar-plot, Visualizing Bar-Plot for Stack Overflow Dataset, Understanding Scatter-plot, Visualizing Scatter Plot for Houses Dataset. Understanding Pie Chart, Visualizing Pie Chart for Stack Overflow Survey Dataset, Understanding Histogram, Visualizing Histogram for Stack Overflow Survey Dataset, Visualizing Histogram of an Image. | Visualization-I Visualization-II Visualization-III | VL-3.21 VL-3.22 VL-3.23 |
17 | EDA AND VISUALIZATION: Overview of Seaborn Library, Downloading and Importing Seaborn Library, Built-in Datasets of Seaborn Library, Car_Crashes, Flights, Tips, Iris, Titanic Datasets. Three Figure Level Methods of Seaborn. Using sns.relplot() method to draw line and scatter plots. Using sns.catplot() method to draw bar, count, box, violin, strip, and swarm plots. Using sns.displot() method to draw hist, kde and ecdf plots. | Visualization-IV Visualization-V | VL-3.24 VL-3.25 |
18 | Module-4 (Mathematics for Data Science)Descriptive Statistics: | Descriptive-Statistics | VL-4.1 |
19 | Inferential Statistics: How to formulate a Hypothesis? Types of Hypothesis Tests. Related Terminologies (Rejection region, significance level, test scores, p-value, and error types). Variance and Standard Deviation, Covariance and Covariance Matrix, Correlation and Correlation Matrix, Regression Analysis, Linear Regression, Fitting a Line (Gradient Descent), Fitting a Line (Linear Least Squares). | Inferential-Statistics | VL-4.2 |
20 | LINEAR ALGEBRA I: Row Vector vs Column Vector, Zero Matrix, Ones Matrix, Random Integer Matrix, Square Matrix, Symmetric Matrix, Triangular Matrix, Diagonal Matrix, Identity Matrix, Scalar Matrix, Orthogonal Matrix, Matrix Addition, Matrix-Scalar Multiplication, Matrix Multiplication (Hadamard Product), Matrix Multiplication (Dot Product), Matrix-Vector Multiplication, Frobenius Norms, Transpose of a Matrix, Determinant of a Matrix, Inverse of a Matrix, Trace of a Matrix, Rank of a Matrix. An overview of Linear Equations, What is a system of Linear Equations? How to solve a system of Linear Equations? Substitution, Elimination and Graphing strategy, Consistent vs Inconsistent System of Linear Equations, Plotting a Linear Equation with Three Variables, Solving set of Three Linear Equations with Three variables, Solving System of Linear Equations using Matrix Algebra, Writing a system of Linear Equations in Matrix form, Solving system of Linear Equations using Gaussian Elimination Method, Solving system of Linear Equations using Gauss Jordan Method, Solving system of Linear Equations using Cramer’s Rule, Solving system of Linear Equations using Matrix Inverse Method, Limitations of Matrix Inversion Method, Categories of System of Linear Equations, Overdetermined systems, Underdetermined systems, Solving Inconsistent Overdetermined System of Linear Equations using Least Squares Method, Modeling Linear Equations in Machine Learning with `2` variables, Modeling Linear Equations in Machine Learning with `m` variables, Simple Linear Regression using Least Squares Method, Multiple Linear Regression using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Method. | Linear-Algebra-I | VL-4.3 |
21 | LINEAR ALGEBRA II: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (An abstract view), Calculating Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix using Paper-Pencil, Calculating Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix in Python, Relationship between Determinant and Eigenvalues of a Matrix, Relationship between Trace and Eigenvalues of a Matrix, Not all Transformation Matrices have Real Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of a Diagonal Transformation Matrix, Eigendecomposition, Eigendecomposition for Symmetric Matrices, What is Singular Value Decomposition? Calculating SVD using NumPy, Calculating SVD using SciPy, Calculating SVD using Scikit-learn. Image Compression, What is Principal Component Analysis? | Linear-Algebra-II | VL-4.4 |
23 | Module-5 (Web Scrapping)Data Acquisition: Overview of BeautifulSoup and Requests Library, Download and Install BeautifulSoup, Playing with BeautifulSoup and Requests, Reviewing the Books Scraping Website, Fetching HTML contents using Requests Library, Creating Soup object and playing with it using the soup.find() and soup.find_all() methods. Example 1: Scraping data of a single page, Saving Data into a CSV file, Scraping Data from Multiple web pages. Example 2: Scraping data from a website that employs pagination, Limitations of Requests and BeautifulSoup. | Web-Scrapping-1 Web-Scrapping-2 | VL-5.1 VL-5.2 |
24 | Data Acquisition: Best Practices for Web Scraping. | Web-Scrapping-3 Web-Scrapping-4 | VL-5.3 VL-5.4 |
25 | Module-6 (Overview of Machine Learning)Under Process | ML-1 ML-2 | VL-6.1 VL-6.2 |
26 | Under Process | ML-3 ML-4 | VL-6.3 VL-6.4 |
27 | Under Process | ML-5 ML-6 | VL-6.5 VL-6.6 |
28 | Under Process | ML-7 ML-8 | VL-6.7 VL-6.8 |
29 | Module-7 (Overview of NLP):Overview of NLP, Challenges of NLP (Language Ambiguities), Real World Applications of NLP, Approaches used to solve NLP use cases, Heuristic Method Approach, Machine Learning Approach, Deep Learning Based Approach, NLP Pipeline. | Overview-NLP | VL-7.1 |
30 | PRE-PROCESSING: Case folding, Expand contractions, Chat word treatment, Handle emojis, Spelling correction, What is Tokenization? Tokenization using string.split() Method, Tokenization using re.split() Method, Tokenization using NLTK library, Tokenization using spaCy library, Creating N-grams, What are Stopwords? Removing Stopwords using NLTK library, Removing Stopwords using spaCy library, Text Preprocessing on IMDB Dataset. Stemming using NLTK’s PorterStemmer, Lemmatization using NLTK’s WordNetLemmatizer, Parts of Speech Tagging using spaCy library, Named Entity Recognition using spaCy library, Coreference Resolution. | Text-Preprocessing-I Text-Preprocessing-II | VL-7.2 VL-7.3 |
31 | FEATURE ENGINEERING: | Feature-Engineering | VL-7.4 |
32 | SPAM DETECTION: | Spam-Detection | VL-7.5 |
System Programming
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Module-1 (Preparing your toolbox): | Cheatsheet Lec01.pdf SPVL-01 | |
2 | C-Compilation process from system programmer perspective. Making a system call with and without wrapper. Making a system call from within Assembly program. (Tools used are are gcc, gdb, readelf, objdump, nasm) | Lec02.pdf SPVL-02 | |
3 | Linking and loading a process (Behind the curtain). Load time and run time dynamic linking. Structure of ELF file format. Merging re-locatable object files into executable. What is relocation. Symbol (global, external, local) resolution. Strong and weak symbols. Linker symbol rules for multiple strong and weak symbols. Creating and using your own static libraries. Creating and using your own dynamic libraries or shared objects. (Tools used are nm, ar, ranlib) | Lec03.pdf SPVL-03 | |
4 | Introduction to make utility, how make works, Makefile rules and targets. Using your own and built-in macros in a Makefile. Writing and calling multiple make files for a program. Comparison between binary and open source software packages. Downloading and installing open source software. Packaging your own software using GNU autotools (autoconf and automake). Packaging your own software using cmake utility. Writing your own man pages. (Tools used are make, autoconf, automake, cmake, cpack) | Lec04.pdf Lec05.pdf SPVL-04 SPVL-05 | |
5 | Local version control systems (SCCS, RCS). Centralized version control systems (CVS, SVN). Distributed version control systems (git, bitkeeper, darcs, mercurial) Overview of git. Downloading and installing git. Basic git workflow and its configuration. Initializing git repository, Adding, editing, deleting and renaming files, and viewing commit log. Ignoring files in git and undoing changes. | Lec06.pdf Lec07.pdf SPVL-06 SPVL-07 | |
6 | How a C program starts and terminates. Normal vs abnormal termination. Registering exit handlers using atexit() and on_exit() functions. Querying process resource limits and changing them on the shell. Getting and setting process resource limits from within a C program using getrlimit() and setrlimit() functions. | Lec08.pdf SPVL-08 | |
7 | Memory layout of a C program. Use of command line arguments and environment variables in C programs. A discussion on layout of process stack and how it grows and shrinks. Stack buffer overflow problem. Doing a non-local goto using longjmp() and setjmp() | Lec09.pdf SPVL-09 | |
8 | Allocating using and freeing memory on heap. Layout of heap and heap allocators. Role of system calls brk() and sbrk() in management of heap. Common programming errors related to heap management. Tools and libraries for malloc debugging like splint, electric-fence, and valgrind | Lec10.pdf SPVL-10 | |
9 | Module-2 (File, Information and Time Management): Hard disk partitioning, formatting and mounting. Internal structure of UNIX file system (Disk, partitions, boot block, super block, inode block). Connection to an open file via PPFDT. Universal I/O model (open-read-write-close paradigm). Kernel Buffering of file I/O and Buffering in the stdio library. Misc important file and directory related system calls | Lec11.pdf Lec12.pdf SPVL-12 | |
10 | Different techniques of I/O redirection. Use of fcntl() system call to duplicate a file descriptor, get/set file descriptor flags in PPFDT, get/set file status flags in SWFT, and achieving locks on files. | Lec13.pdf SPVL-13 | |
11 | Directory management in C Programs. Working of UNIX ls utility. How it works? Can we design ls utility of our own? (Design and code of UNIX ls utility) | Lec14.pdf SPVL-14 | |
12 | (Design and Code of UNIX who utility) | Lec15.pdf SPVL-15 | |
13 | Module-3 (Process Management and Scheduling): Process Identifiers: getpid(), getppid(), getuid(), setuid(), getgid(), setgid(), geteuid(), seteuid(), getegid(), setegid(). Process creation using fork(), vfork(), clone(). Copy on Write Semantics. Orphan and Zombie process | Lec16.pdf Lec17.pdf SPVL-17 | Linux-Kernel-Compilation-1 |
14 | Process trees, chains and fans. Monitoring Child Processes by accessing termination status of the child process using wait(), waitpid(), waitid(), wait3(), wait4() and WIFEXITED(), WEXITSTATUS(), WIFSIGNALED() and WTERMSIG() macros | Lec18.pdf SPVL-18 | |
15 | Six exec family functions execl(), execle(), execlp(), execv(),execve(), execvp(). Process Groups, Process Sessions, and concept of Controlling Terminals. Impact of fork() and exec() on different process attributes. writing your our own system() function and use it to create a shell utility | Lec19.pdf SPVL-19 | |
16 | Overview of daemon processes in Linux. Writing your own daemon process programatically. Introduction to systemd (replacement of SysV init daemon). Controlling daemons using systemctl utility. Writing long lived process and managing it using systemctl. Design and Code your own daemon using systemd. Design and code of Shell utility (SPVL-22) | Lec20.pdf Lec21.pdf Lec22.pdf SPVL-20 SPVL-22 | |
17 | Different ways to achieve concurrency. Conventional Concurrent Servers and their Problems. Thread implementation models. Linux implementation of POSIX threads (LinuxThreads and NPTL). Thread creation and termination, joining threads, passing implicit data types to thread function, and passing structures to thread function. Returning and receiving data from a thread function. Creating Thread arrays on stack, and creating thread arrays on heap. Thread attributes (detachstate, stackaddr, stacksize, priority, inheritsched). Changing the default attributes of a thread. Threads and signals. Threads and fork(). Thread cancellation. | Lec23.pdf SPVL-23 | |
18 | Module-4 (Inter-Process Communication):): Introduction to Linux Inter-Process communication tools. Overview of Standard and Real time Signals. Signal handling on Bash shell using kill and top utilities. Sending signals using (kill, raise, abort, pause, alarm, sleep, usleep, nanosleep) functions | Lec24.pdf SPVL-24 | |
19 | Ignoring and handling signals using signal() system call. Avoiding race conditions using signal mask and sigprocmask() system call. Limitations of signal() system call. Ignoring and handling signals using sigaction() system call. Scheduling future actions using interval timers getitimer(), setitimer() | Lec25.pdf SPVL-25 | |
20 | Use of pipes on the shell and in a C program using the pipe() system call. How to use a pipe for IPC among related processes for unidirectional communication. The concept of using two pipes for bidirectional communication. A C program that simulate the shell command man ls | grep ls | wc | Lec26.pdf SPVL-26 | |
21 | Use of named pipes or FIFOs in a C program using the mkfifo() and mknod() system call. How to use a named pipe for IPC among un-related processes for unidirectional communication. The concept of using two named pipes for bidirectional communication. A simple client server application using FIFO. | Lec27.pdf SPVL-27 | |
22 | Module-5 (Thread Management and Synchronization): Overview of synchronization. The concept of race condition and critical section problems. The concept of direct and indirect data sharing among threads, threads safety and reentrant functions. Introduction to mutex, locking, unlocking and destroying a mutex object. Mutex attributes and mutex types. Introduction to condition variable. The concept of thread cancellation is introduced. | Lec31.pdf SPVL-31 | |
23 | Module-6 (Network Programming): Introduction to TCP/IP Programming Paradigm. Configuring some basic servers like telnet, dhcp, ssh, and ftp. Introduction to Socket, TLI, MacTCP and winsock Application Programming Interfaces. Introduction to TCP and UDP Client-Server Communication using BSD Socket API | Lec33.pdf SPVL-33 | |
24 | Flow chart showing TCP and UDP based client server application using socket(), bind(), listen(), connect(), accept(), write(), send(), sendto(), read(), recv(), recvfrom(), and close().Three way connection establishment and four way connection termination.The related system calls for creating and managing the sockets. | Lec34.pdf SPVL-34 | |
25 | Proof of these concepts with example codes of echo and daytime clients and servers. Some important lookup functions like gethostbyname() and getservbyname() with examples.Host vs NW Byte order (htons(), ntohs(), htonl(), ntohl()). | Lec34.pdf SPVL-34 | |
26 | Introduction to Datagram Sockets by giving an overview of how datagram sockets work. The system call graph of Internet domain UDP Client and server. The related system calls for creating and managing the sockets. Proof of these concepts with example codes of echo, daytime and time clients and servers. Look up functions (gethostbyname(), getservbyname(), getprotobyname()) Design and code of a web server | Lec35.pdf Lec36.pdf Lec37.pdf | |
27 | Module-7 (Network Security): Overview of Cyber Security. Overview of buffer overflow. A classic stack based buffer overflow. How a stack based buffer overflow be exploited? Exploit mitigation techniques. The architecture of x86_64, its assembly and function calling convention. Installing and using PEDA. Changing the control of flow of execution in PEDA. | Lec38.pdf SPVL-38 | |
28 | Overview of shell code. Writing your own shell code and using it in a stand alone C-program. Getting shell code from Internet archives and using them in a stand alone C-program. | Lec39.pdf SPVL-39 | |
29 | Writing your shell codes using pwn tools and using them in stand alone C-program. Writing your shell codes using msfvenom and using them in stand alone C-program | Lec39.pdf SPVL-39 | |
30 | Finding vulnerabilities in executables. Crafting an input string to vulnerable programs to shift the control of flow of execution to some other part in the code section. Injecting shell code via input string and transferring control of flow to it. Injecting shell code via environment variables and transferring control of flow to it. Issues of exploiting vulnerable programs inside and outside gdb. Exploiting a vulnerable echo server executing on a remote machine and creating a tcp bind shell and a reverse tcp shell. | Lec40.pdf SPVL-40 |
Operating System
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Introduction to course, pre-requisite, policies, tools, and grading system. What is an Operating System (OS) and why it is needed to manage h/w? Operating System services, interrupts, traps and signals. Dual mode operations and protection mechanism. Types of operating systems and computing environments | ||
2 | Introduction to virtualization and hypervisors. Installing Linux (Ubuntu, Kali, CentOS) on Virtualbox. Introduction to Linux command line interface, Linux File Hierarchy Standard and basic shell commands. Linux system call interface. Compiling a C program on Linux command line interface | ||
3 | Editors used in Linux (vim, peco, nano). Shell commands (wc, sort, uniq, grep, cut, paste, comm, comp, diff, whereis, which, locate, find, tar, gzip, gunzip). Program on disk and its components. Viewing contents of a program file. Process in memory and its components (stack, heap and PCB). Command line arguments and environment variables. Viewing contents of a running program using readelf and objdump | ||
4 | CPU and I/O bound processes. Process state models. Five, six and seven state process models. Process scheduling queues. Long term, medium term and short term schedulers. Concept of process/context switch. Process creation and termination. Shell commands related to process management. Fork, wait and exit system calls. Interrupt, trap and system calls. Process resource limits. | ||
5 | Discussion on working of a Linux shell and the concept of how an internal and external command executes. Running programs in the background and foreground. Switching programs to different states. Basic commands related to process states like ps, fg, bg and top. | ||
6 | The open, read, write and close paradigm in Linux. The concept of PPFDT. The connection of an opened file from process PPFDT to System Wide File Table, to I-node table and finally to disk blocks. Cooperating Processes. Taxonomy of Inter-process Communication | ||
7 | I/O Redirection, UNIX IPC tools. Using pipes, FIFOs and signals in Linux | ||
8 | Concurrent and parallel programming. Introduction to threads. Multi-threading. Merits and demerits of threads. User level vs Kernel level threads. Threading models. Programming using Pthread library. | ||
9 | Process scheduler and Dispatcher. Preemptive vs non-preemptive scheduling. CPU and IO bursts. CPU scheduling and scheduling criteria, FCFS, SJF, SRTF, and Priority scheduling. | ||
10 | Round Robin, Virtual Round Robin, Multi level Queue Scheduling and Multi level Feed- back queue scheduling, Rotating Stair-case Dead line scheduler | ||
11 | Rotating Stair-case dead line scheduler, UNIX SVR3 scheduling algorithm. Changing process priorities using nice, renice commands. Changing nice value of running processes and executing a program with a nice value other than the default. The concept of hard and soft CPU affinity in Linux. Displaying and changing the scheduling parameters of Linux processes using schedtool | ||
12 | Introduction to synchronization, Concurrency Control, Race Condition, Critical Section Problem. Concept of atomic operation. General format of a CS problem solution. Characteristics of a good CSP solution. | ||
13 | Software Based Solutions to CSP: Dekker solution, Peterson solution, and Leslie Lamport’s Bakery algorithm. Concept of busy waiting. | ||
15 | Introduction to semaphores. Binary and counting semaphores. Achieving mutual exclusion using semaphores. Achieving serialization using semaphores. Solution to Standard Synchronization problems using semaphores, Producer Consumer, Dining Philosopher, Reader writer, Sleeping Barber, Smokers problem | ||
16 | Limitations of semaphores, Introduction to Monitors, Condition variables, Hoare and Mesa monitors. Solution to standard synchronization problems using monitors. | ||
17 | Introduction to Dead locks, Four necessary and sufficient conditions for Dead Locks, Resource allocation graph, Dead lock handling methods, Dead lock prevention | ||
18 | Dead Lock Avoidance. Bankers and Safety Algorithm. | ||
19 | Memory management, address binding and linking, Logical vs Physical addresses, Dynamic loading, Dynamic linking and shared libraries. Overlays, swapping. Introduction to contagious memory allocation | ||
20 | MFT and MVT, Placement algorithms, Internal and External fragmentation, Buddy partitioning scheme. | ||
21 | Introduction to paging, Page Table, Address translation in paging, Paging parameters for Intel and PDP11 | ||
22 | Implementing page table in cache, memory and CPU registers, Structure of Page Tables (Hierarchical, Inverted and Hashed Page tables). Introduction to Segmentation, address translation in segmentation. | ||
23 | Introduction to paged segmentation, address translation in a paged segmentation. Address translation in Intel 80386 (Real and protected mode) | ||
24 | Virtual Memory, Background, Demand Paging, Performance of Demand Paging, Page Replacement algorithms (FIFO, Optimal, LRU, LFU, MFU, Buffering) | ||
25 | Copy on Write protocol and vfork() system call, Allocation Of Frames, Thrashing, Resident Set Management, Working Set Model, Page fault frequency, memory mapped files. | ||
26 | Hard Disk Geometry: Spinning and Solid state disk. Working of spinning disk and its interfaces (IDE, ATA, SATA, SCSI, SAS). The concept of Logical Block Addressing and its mapping on CHS address. | ||
27 | Disk Formatting: Concept of a file system and the basic functionalities that every file system should offer. Comparison of different file systems like ext2/3/4, reiserfs, hpfs, minix, ntfs, vfat, xfs and zfs. Use of Linux tools like mkfs, mke2fs, mkntfs, mkfs.fat, mkfs.minix to put a file system on a partition | ||
28 | File System Architecture: Schematic view of a standard UNIX file system. Describe the contents of boot block, super block, inode block, and data blocks. Discuss In-memory and on-disk structures used by a file system. Describes what actually happens behind the curtain when a user creates, accesses and deletes a file and how Linux keep track of opened files by a process. Use of Linux commands like df, du, lsof, fuser, and tune2fs to perform these tasks | ||
29 | File Permissions: Discuss the use of standard file permissions. How to change the existing file permissions on a file using symbolic and octal way. Use of chmod and chown commands. Setting the default file permissions on a newly created file using the umask command | ||
30 | Access Control Lists: Discuss the security on files using Access Control List. Concept of Discretionary Access control and Mendatory Access control. How to set ACLs on files. A discussion on default ACLs or ACLs on directories | ||
31 | Terminal Attributes: Overview of Terminal Devices and a comparison between disk and terminal files. Examine current attributes of terminal driver on a Linux machine and changing them using stty command. Overview of Canonical and Non-canonical mode of terminal drivers. | ||
32 | Log Files: Logging mechanism in Linux |
Advance Operating System
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Module-1 (Preparing your toolbox): | Lec1.0 SPVL-01 SPVL-02 RPaper-01 RPaper-02 | |
2 | Linking and loading a process (Behind the curtain). Load time and run time dynamic linking. Structure of ELF file format. Merging re-locatable object files into executable. What is relocation. Symbol (global, external, local) resolution. Strong and weak symbols. Linker symbol rules for multiple strong and weak symbols. Creating and using your own static libraries. Creating and using your own dynamic libraries or shared objects. (Tools used are nm, ar, ranlib) | Lec1.1 SPVL-03 | |
3 | Introduction to make utility, how make works, Makefile rules and targets. Using your own and built-in macros in a Makefile. Writing and calling multiple make files for a program. Comparison between binary and open source software packages. Downloading and installing open source software. Packaging your own software using GNU autotools (autoconf and automake). Packaging your own software using cmake utility. Writing your own man pages. (Tools used are make, autoconf, automake, cmake, cpack) Self Reading/Performing Task (Versioning Systems git) | Lec1.2 Lec1.3 SPVL-04 SPVL-05 SPVL-06 SPVL-07 | |
4 | How a C program starts and terminates. Normal vs abnormal termination. Registering exit handlers using atexit() and on_exit() functions. Querying process resource limits and changing them on the shell. Getting and setting process resource limits from within a C program using getrlimit() and setrlimit() functions. Memory layout of a C program. Use of command line arguments and environment variables in C programs. A discussion on layout of process stack and how it grows and shrinks. Stack buffer overflow problem. Doing a non-local goto using longjmp() and setjmp()Allocating using and freeing memory on heap. Layout of heap and heap allocators. Role of system calls brk() and sbrk() in management of heap. Common programming errors related to heap management. Tools and libraries for malloc debugging like splint, electric-fence, and valgrind | Lec1.4 Lec1.5 Lec1.6 SPVL-08 SPVL-09 SPVL-10 | |
5 | Module-2 (File System Architecture): Hard disk partitioning, formatting and mounting. Internal structure of UNIX file system (Disk, partitions, boot block, super block, inode block). Connection to an open file via PPFDT. Universal I/O model (open-read-write-close paradigm). Kernel Buffering of file I/O and Buffering in the stdio library. Misc important file management system calls. Repositioning current file offset using lseek(). Creating soft link to a file, changing permissions, and ownership of a file. | Lec2.1 SPVL-12 RPaper-03 RPaper-04 | |
6 | Different techniques of I/O redirection. Use of fcntl() system call to duplicate a file descriptor, get/set file descriptor flags in PPFDT, get/set file status flags in SWFT, and achieving locks on files. | SPVL-13 | |
7 | Directory management in C Programs. Working of UNIX ls utility. How it works? Can we design ls utility of our own? Design and code of UNIX ls utility. Self Reading/Performing Task (Design and Code of UNIX more and who utility, Lec2.3 and Lec2.4) | Lec2.2 Lec2.3 Lec2.4 SPVL-11 SPVL-14 SPVL-15 | |
8 | Introduction to terminal devices. Device files and their attributes. Writing to someone else’s terminal. Attributes of a terminal driver (Input, output, control, and local processing). Modifying terminal attributes on the shell using stty command. Canonical and non-canonical modes of terminal driver. Programming the terminal driver using tcgetattr(), tcsetattr() and ioctl() Self Reading/Performing Task (Design and Code of UNIX stty utility) | Lec2.5 SPVL-16 | |
9 | UNIX IO Models: Blocking IO model, Non-blocking IO model, Multiplexed IO model, Signal driven IO model, Asynchronous IO model. | Lec2.6 | |
10 | Module-3 (OS Structures, Kernel Compilation and LKM): Introduction to operating system structures, Monolithic, DOS and Microkernel structures, SPIN approach to OS structure, Exokernel structure, L3 Microkernel structure. | Lec3.1 RPaper-5 RPaper-6 RPaper-7 | |
11 | Overview of Booting Process and Kernel Initialization. Introduction to Compiling an Operating System Kernel from Source code, Preparing your work environment, Downloading the Kernel Source code, Configure Kernel, Compile/build the Kernel, Install the Kernel, Update the Boot loader, Verify the installation. Adding System call to the Kernel.Introduction to Linux Kernel Modules (LKM) and its usage, Writing, loading and unloading a hello world LKM of your own. | Lec3.2 Lec3.3 Lec3.4 | |
12 | Module-4 (Process Management and Scheduling): Overview of the data structures maintained by Linux kernel to manage processes. Process Identifiers: getpid(), getppid(), getuid(),setuid(), getgid(),setgid(), geteuid(),seteuid(), getegid(), setegid(). Process creation using fork(), vfork(), clone(). Copy on Write Semantics. Orphan and Zombie process. Process trees, chains and fans. | Lec4.1 SPVL-17 RPaper-8 RPaper-9 | |
13 | Monitoring Child Processes by accessing termination status of the child process using wait(), waitpid(), waitid(), wait3(), wait4() and WIFEXITED(), WEXITSTATUS(), WIFSIGNALED() and WTERMSIG() macros | Lec4.2 Lec4.3 SPVL18 SPVL19 | |
14 | Overview of daemon processes in Linux. Writing your own daemon process programatically. Introduction to systemd (replacement of SysV init daemon). Controlling daemons using systemctl utility. Writing long lived process and managing it using systemctl. Design and Code your own daemon using systemd. | Lec4.4 SPVL-20 | |
15 | UNIX SYS-VR3 and SYS-VR4 scheduler. Linux O(1) and CFS scheduler. Cache affinities and multicore, Cache aware scheduling. Design and code of Shell utility (SPVL-22) | Lec4.5 Lec4.6 SPVL-21 SPVL-22 | |
16 | Different ways to achieve concurrency. Conventional Concurrent Servers and their Problems. Thread implementation models. Linux implementation of POSIX threads (LinuxThreads and NPTL). Thread creation and termination, joining threads, passing implicit data types to thread function, and passing structures to thread function. Returning and receiving data from a thread function. Creating Thread arrays on stack, and creating thread arrays on heap. Thread attributes (detachstate, stackaddr, stacksize, priority, inheritsched). Changing the default attributes of a thread. Threads and signals. Threads and fork(). Thread cancellation. | Lec4.7 SPVL-23 | |
17 | Module-5 (Inter Process Communication): Ways to share information among UNIX processes. Taxonomy of UNIX Inter Process Communication (Communication, Synchronization, and Signals). Persistance of IPC objects. Overview of Signals, Standard and Real time Signals. Signal handling on Bash shell using kill and top utilities. Sending signals using kill(), raise(), abort(), pause(), alarm(), sleep(), usleep(), nanosleep() functions. | Lec5.1 SPVL24 SPVL25 | |
18 | Use of pipes on the shell and in a C program using the pipe() system call. How to use a pipe for IPC among related processes for unidirectional communication. The concept of using two pipes for bidirectional communication. A C program that simulate the shell command man ls | grep ls | wc | Lec5.2 SPVL-26 SPVL-27 | |
19 | Introduction to message queues. Difference between System-V and POSIX message queues. Data structures used by System-V message queues. Use of msgget(), msgsnd(),msgrcv(),msgctl() functions of System-V message queues | Lec5.3 SPVL-28 | |
20 | Introduction to shared memory: Use of shmget(), shmat(), shmdt(), shmctl() functions of System-V shared memory. Use of ipcs, and ipcrm commands | Lec5.4 Lec5.5 SPVL-29 SPVL-30 | |
21 | Module-6 (Synchronization): Overview of synchronization. The concept of race condition and critical section problems. The concept of direct and indirect data sharing among threads, threads safety and reentrant functions. Introduction to mutex, locking, unlocking and destroying a mutex object. Mutex attributes and mutex types. Introduction to condition variable. The concept of thread cancellation is introduced. Solution to Producer consumer problem and barber shop problem. | Lec6.1 SPVL-31 RPaper-10 RPaper-11 | |
22 | POSIX semaphores vs System-V semaphores. A comparison between mutex, condition variable and semaphore. The implementation of named and unnamed semaphores and their related API. Sample programs giving a CSP solution using semaphores among threads and processes. The solution of serialization among threads and processes using semaphores. Use of counting semaphores. Working with named semaphores: sem_open(), sem_post(), sem_wait(), sem_close(), sem_unlink(), sem_getvalue(). Working with unnamed semaphores: sem_init(), sem_destroy() | Lec6.2 SPVL-32 | |
23 | Module-7 (Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Systems): Introduction to TCP/IP Programming Paradigm. Configuring some basic servers like telnet, dhcp, ssh, and ftp. Introduction to Socket, TLI, MacTCP and winsock Application Programming Interfaces. Introduction to TCP and UDP Client-Server Communication using BSD Socket API Design and code of a web server | Lec7.1 Lec7.2 SPVL-33 SPVL-34 RPaper-12 RPaper-13 RPaper-14 | |
24 | Introduction to Datagram Sockets by giving an overview of how datagram sockets work. The system call graph of Internet domain UDP Client and server. The related system calls for creating and managing the sockets. Proof of these concepts with example codes of echo, daytime and time clients and servers. | Lec7.3 Lec7.4 SPVL-35 SPVL-36 | |
25 | Difference between iterative and concurrent servers. What happens when multiple clients access an iterative echo server. Design and code of concurrent echo server using
Need of concurrent clients Design and code of a nc(1) command | Lec7.5 SPVL-37 | |
26 | Overview of Remote Procedure Calls, Concept of marshaling and data copying, Kernel copies and copying overhead, making RPC cheap, RPC on Symmetric Multiprocessing Architecture (SMP) | Lec7.6 | |
27 | Overview of Shared memory multiprocessor architecture, Refresher on page fault service, Parallel OS and page fault service, Clustered objects, their implementation and advantages. | Lec7.7 | |
28 | Distributed Shared memory | Lec7.8 | |
29 | Module-8 (Cyber Security): Overview of Cyber Security. Overview of buffer overflow. A classic stack based buffer overflow. How a stack based buffer overflow be exploited? Exploit mitigation techniques. The architecture of x86_64, its assembly and function calling convention. Installing and using PEDA. Changing the control of flow of execution in PEDA. | Lec8.1 SPVL-38 RPaper-15 RPaper-16 | |
30 | Overview of shell code. Writing your own shell code and using it in a stand alone C-program. Getting shell code from Internet archives and using them in a stand alone C-program. Writing your shell codes using pwn tools and using them in stand alone C-program. Writing your shell codes using msfvenom and using them in stand alone C-program | Lec8.2 SPVL-39 | |
31 | Finding vulnerabilities in executables. Crafting an input string to vulnerable programs to shift the control of flow of execution to some other part in the code section. Injecting shell code via input string and transferring control of flow to it. Injecting shell code via environment variables and transferring control of flow to it. Issues of exploiting vulnerable programs inside and outside gdb. Exploiting a vulnerable echo server executing on a remote machine and creating a tcp bind shell and a reverse tcp shell. A discussion on bypassing exploit mitigation techniques used by most modern operating systems and compilers. | Lec8.3 SPVL-40 | |
32 | Hacking a MS Windows machine from Kali Linux using metasploit frame work Implementation of mitigation techniques for buffer over flow vulnerabbility |
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming and a discussion on the course matrix. The course will be having two parts in the first half of the course we will be designing and writing the HDL of a full-blown computer, will design its machine and assembly language, will write programs and execute those programs on the designed h/w architecture. At the end of the first half of the course, we will also design and write an Assembler (in C) for the designed computer. The second half of the course will deal with the assembly of the all-time famous x86-64 architecture. The links from where the e-books, tools, code snippets, and lecture slides, and other misc resources can be downloaded are mentioned. | Book-01 Book-02 Book-03 Book-04 Lec-01.pdf VL-01 | Tools and Resources (Bitbucket repo) |
2 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – I: Review of Boolean logic and gates. Introduction to Hardware Description Languages. Design and code of And, Or, Not gates using the universal NAND gate. Downloading and installing Hardware Simulator and interactive chip testing on this simulator. Designing Xor chip and performing script based testing of Xor chip on h/w simulator. HDL for Combinational Circuits – II: Design and HDL code for XOR chip, using And, OR, Not gate chips. A demo of Verification of XOR chip using interactive chip testing in the h/w simulator. A brief overview of script-based chip testing. Writing script for testing of the designed XOR chip. A discussion on key players involved in a hardware construction project. | Lec-02.pdf Lec-03.pdf VL-02 VL-03 | |
3 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – III: Design and HDL code for some standard combinational circuits like Encoder, Decoders, Multiplexers, and De-Multiplexer chips. A demo of Verification / Testing of these standard combinational chips using interactive chip testing in the h/w simulator. HDL for Combinational Circuits – IV: Design and HDL code for multi-bit gates. The concept of buses and the design of chips having buses as input. Design and code of And16, Or16, Not16, and Mux16 chips having 16-bits inputs. Design and code of And4way16 and similar chips having four inputs with each input of 16 bits. | Lec-04.pdf Lec-05.pdf VL-04 VL-05 | |
4 | Data Storage – I: Data Representation in Computers, Unsigned, and Signed Numbers, Sign magnitude representation and its limitations, 1s Complement representation and its limitations, 2s Complement representation, Comparisons and pros and cons of each, Ranges and different Storage Sizes, Overflow in Unsigned and Signed Numbers, How the Hardware Detect an Overflow, Concept of Sign Extension, Encoding Characters and Strings (ASCII and Unicode) | Lec-06.pdf VL-06 | |
5 | Data Storage – II: Encoding Real Numbers, Fixed Point Representation, Floating Point Representations (IEEE-754), Storage layout, Conversion Examples, Range and Precision, Arithmetic Operations, Overflow and Underflow, IEEE-754 Special Values | Lec-07.pdf VL-07 | |
6 | Design of ALU – I: Review of HDL for Combinational Circuits, Designing a single bit Logic Unit Writing HDL for Combinational Arithmetic Circuits like Half Adder, Full Adder, Full Subtractor, 16-bit Binary Adder (Add16 chip), 16-bit Incrementer (Inc16 chip), Demo of above chips on H/W Simulator Design of ALU – II: Components of a Computer System, Design of ALU, The Hack ALU, The Hack ALU Operations, Design of Hack ALU, HDL of Hack ALU, Verifying the ALU chip on H/W Simulator | Lec-08.pdf Lec-09.pdf VL-08 VL-09 | |
7 | Design of Sequential Circuits: Why Sequential Circuits? Understanding Time in Circuits, Combinational vs Sequential Circuits, Flip Flops, D flip Flop, SR Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, T Flip Flop Design of Registers: What are Registers, Design of 1-bit Register, HDL for 1-bit Register, Design of 16-bit Register, HDL for 16-bit Register | Lec-10.pdf Lec-11.pdf VL-10 VL-11 | |
8 | Design of Memory: Concept of Memory Hierarchy, Multi-Byte Read/Write, Design of Random Access Memory, Read/Write Logic of RAM, API of a RAM Chip, HDL of 8 Words RAM, HDL of 64 Words RAM, HDL of 512 Words RAM, HDL of 4K Words RAM, HDL of 16K Words RAM Design of Counters: Overview of Hack Computer Components, Overview of Counters, Why do we need Counter for our Hack Computer, Concept of Program Counter, Counter Simulation, Design and Implementation of PC for Hack Computer, Demo on H/W Simulator | Lec-12.pdf Lec-13.pdf VL-12 VL-13 | |
9 | ISA-I: Overview of Computer System, Universality of Computer System, Turing Machine, Von Neumann Architecture, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) | Lec-14.pdf VL-14 | |
10 | ISA-II: Five Dimensions of ISA, Class of ISA, Types and Sizes of Operands, Operations (including control flow instructions), Memory Addressing Models and Addressing Modes, Encoding an ISA | Lec-15.pdf VL-15 | |
11 | Hack Machine Language – I: Hack Computer Machine Language, Review of h/w of Hack Computer, Software of Hack Computer, A Instruction, C Instruction, Examples | Lec-16.pdf VL-16 | |
12 | Hack Machine Language – II: Review of Hack Symbolic Machine Instructions, A Instruction, C Instruction, Binary Code Format of Hack Computer Instruction, Encoding of 16 bit A-Instruction, Encoding of 16 bit C-Instruction, Examples, A Complete Hack Program: Assembly Language | Lec-17.pdf VL-17 | |
13 | Interfacing I/O Devices: How to interface I/O devices with computer, Interfacing Screen with Hack computer, Demo of built-in Screen chip on h/w Simulator, Interfacing Keyboard with Hack computer, Demo of built-in Keyboard chip on h/w Simulator | Lec-18.pdf VL-18 | |
14 | Hack Assembly Programming – I: Review of Hack Computer Assembly Instructions, Hack Assembly Programs, A Hello World in Hack assembly, CPU Emulator, Demo, Program Termination Hack Assembly Programming – II: Recap previous lecture, Symbols in Hack Assembly Language, Built-in Symbols, Label Symbols, Variable Symbols, Branching, Iteration | Lec-19.pdf Lec-20.pdf VL-19 VL-20 | |
15 | Hack Assembly Programming – III: Review of Hack Assembly Programs, Pointers and Arrays, Input / Output Instructions, Debugging, Review of Hack Assembly Programs, Pointers and Arrays, Input / Output Instructions, Debugging | Lec-21.pdf VL-21 | |
16 | Data path of Hack CPU-I: Von Neumann Architecture, Flow of Information inside Computers, Buses, Data Bus, Address Bus, Control Bus, Fetch Execute Cycle, Fetch Execute Clash, Harvard Architecture Data path of Hack CPU-II: Review of Hack Computer Architecture, Hack CPU Interface, Hack CPU Implementation, Input/output and Operations of Hack ALU, Control Logic of Hack CPU | Lec-22.pdf Lec-23.pdf VL-22 VL-23 | |
17 | Design of Hack Computer: Recap of Hack Computer Architecture, Implementation of Hack CPU Chip (CPU.hdl), Implementation of Hack Memory Chip (Memory.hdl), RAM16 chip (RAM16K.hdl), Screen chip (Screen.hdl), Keyboard chip (Keyboard.hdl), Implementation of Hack ROM Chip (ROM32K.hdl), Implementation of Hack Computer Chip (Computer.hdl) | Lec-24.pdf VL-24 | |
18 | Design of Hack Assembler: What is an Assembler? How an Assembler works? Hack Machine Language Specification, Demo of Built-in Hack Assembler, Design of Hack Assembler (w/o Symbols), Design of Hack Assembler (with Symbols), Hack Assembler Implementation in C/C , Executing Hack Machine Code, Hack Computer Chip in h/w Simulator, CPU Emulator | Lec-25.pdf VL-25 | |
19 | History and Evolution of Intel Microprocessors: Intel 4004 (1971), Intel 8008, Intel 8080, Intel 8086 (x86), Intel 80286, Intel 80386, Intel 80486, Intel 80586 (Pentium P5), Intel 80686 (Pentium P6), Intel Core (2006) Intel Nehalam (2008), Intel Sandy Bridge, Intel Ivy Bridge, Intel Haswell, Intel Broadwell, Intel Sky Lake, Intel Kaby Lake, Intel Coffee Lake, Intel Coffee Lake Refresh, Intel Comet Lake (2019) On Improving Processors Performance: CPU Performance Equation, Single Cycle vs Multi Cycle CPU Architecture, Pipelined CPU Architecture, Pipeline Stages, Even vs Uneven pipelined stages, Pipelined Hazards, Solutions of Pipeline Hazards, CISC vs RISC Architecture | Lec-26.pdf Lec-27.pdf VL-26 VL-27 | |
20 | Programming Model of x86 Architecture: Layout of memory models (flat, segmented) and register set file of Intel 8080, 80386, x86-64. Logical to physical address translation for segmented memory model. | Lec-28.pdf VL-28 | |
21 | Hello World in x86-64 Assembly: Overview of microprocessor families and their corresponding assembly languages. Tool chain and programming environment for x86-64 assembly programming. Running the first hello world assembly program. Structure of x86-64 Assembly Program: A discussion on the x86-64 assembly language instruction format and the overall structure of assembly program including the contents of .data, .bss and .text section. A scuba diving in the sea of how a system call is made. | Lec-29.pdf Lec-30.pdf VL-29 VL-30 | |
22 | Debugging C-Program with gdb: A review of C-compilation process. What is a debugger? Why use gdb? How to compile, load and run a program inside gdb and get information about the running process. Getting help inside gdb, setting break points, watch points, stepping through the code, examining and modifying variables, convenience variables and setting conditional break points. Data Types and Endianness in x86-64: Usage of different data types and special tokens in NASM. Practically understand about the endianness of a machine | Lec-31.pdf Lec-32.pdf VL-31 VL-32 | |
23 | Data Transfer Instructions and Process Stack: Usage of different move instructions like mov, movzx, movsx, lea and xchg. A discussion on the working of process stack and the push and pop instructions. Memory Addressing Modes: Theoretical concepts and pros and cons of addressing modes used by different processors. Addressing modes used by x86-64 like Base-Index-Sale-Displacement | Lec-33.pdf Lec-34.pdf VL-33 VL-34 | |
24 | Arithmetic Instructions Part-I: A recap of x86-64 register set and the programming tool chain. Summary of major categories of x86-64 instructions. A practical demo on the use of add, adc, sub, sbb, inc, dec, neg, cmp, clc, stc, and cmc. A discussion on how the flags are effected after these arithmetic instructions Arithmetic Instructions Part-II: A recap of x86-64 register set and the programming tool chain. Summary of major categories off x86-64 instructions. A practical demo on the use of mul, div, imul, idiv instructions. A discussion on how the flags are effected after these arithmetic instructions | Lec-35.pdf Lec-36.pdf VL-35 VL-36 | |
25 | Logical Operations: A recap of x86-64 register set and the programming tool chain. Summary of major categories of x86-64 instructions. A practical demo on the use of and, or, not, xor, and test instructions. A discussion on how the flags are effected after these logical instructions. Bit-Shifting Operations: A recap of x86-64 register set and the programming tool chain. Summary of major categories of x86-64 instructions. A practical demo on the use of shl, sal, shr, sar, rol, ror, rcl, and rcr instructions. A discussion on how the flags are effected after these logical instructions. | Lec-37.pdf Lec-38.pdf VL-37 VL-38 | |
26 | Control Instructions – I: A discussion on control of flow of execution of a program and how to change it. Description of unconditional jump instruction with a demonstration of example programs. Discussion on signed and unsigned conditional jump instructions with demonstration of example programs. Translating if…else code too assembly language. Control Instructions – II: A Recap of previous session. Translating high level repetition structure (for, while, ….) to its corresponding x86 assembly code using conditional jump instructions as well as using x86 loop instructions. | Lec-39.pdf Lec-40.pdf VL-39 VL-40 | |
27 | GDB with PEDA Plugin: A recap of gdb command line and text user interface mode. Downloading, installing, and configuring Python Exploit Development Assistance (PEDA) plugin to enhance the firepower of gdb. Debugging the x86-64 assembly programs using gdb with PEDA and a brief intro of using this plugin for reverse engineering and exploit development Functions in Assembly Language – I: What are functions? Why they are used in programming languages? Syntax of defining an assembly function in NASM and MASM. Understanding the working of x86-64 call and ret instruction. The usage of process run-time stack in function call. The concept and requirement of caller-saved and callee-saved registers | Lec-41.pdf Lec-42.pdf VL-41 VL-42 | |
28 | Functions in Assembly Language – II: Recap of functions in assembly language and use of call and ret instructions. How different operating systems allow x86-64 assembly programmers to pass and return values to and from functions. Designing an assembly function to display a single digit and a multi-digit decimal number on screen. Writing, assembling, linking and executing multi-file assembly programs on x86-64. Function Calling Convention and FSF: Recap of assembly language functions. Understanding function calling in high-level languages like C and C . The concept of Function Stack Frame (FSF) or Activation Record used to store data associated with a high-level function on the process run time stack. The x86-64 procedure prolog and procedure epilog for creating and removing FFSF from the stack. A demonstration of stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability and concept of exploiting it. | Lec-43.pdf Lec-44.pdf VL-43 VL-44 | |
29 | Mixing C with x86-64 Assembly: Recap of pushing and popping FSF to and from the process run time stack in high level languages. Calling C-Library functions from within an assembly program. Doing the reverse, i.e., Calling assembly functions from within a C program. Getting User Input: User input via system calls, library calls, and command line arguments. What are command line arguments and why we use them in high level languages as well as in assembly programming? Converting the string input received via command line to integer for further processing. | Lec-45.pdf Lec-46.pdf VL-45 VL-46 | |
30 | Arrays: Array address computation (pointer arithmetic) based on its types (bytes, words, double words and quad-words), General pattern for memory references, allocation arrays using malloc, processing arrays, filling with random numbers, printing array elements String: Understanding C-strings in assembly, x86 string instructions to store strings in memory, load strings from memory, comparing strings, and scanning strings for substrings | Lec-47.pdf Lec-48.pdf VL-47 VL-48 | |
31 | Floating Point Instructions: 8087 floating point instructions that use stack of 80 bit floating point registers (ST0, ST1, …). Intel Core iseries floating point instructions that work with Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) 128-bit registers (xmm0, xmm1, …). The concept of Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) that use 256-bit registers (ymm0, ymm1, …) Data movement instructions (movss, movsd) Arithmetic instructions (addss, addsd, subss, subsd, mulss, mulsd, divss, divsd) Integer / floating point conversion instructions (cvtss2sd, cvtsd2ss, cvtss2si, cvtsi2ss, cvtsd2si, cvtsi2sd) Floating point control instructions (ucomiss, ucomisd) Floating point calling convention | Lec-49.pdf VL-49 | |
32 | Computer Performance and Parallel Processing Hardware: | Lec-50.pdf VL-50 |
Digital Logic Design
Sr. | Topic Description | Lecture Resource | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Introduction to Digital Logic Design and course matrix. Overview of Boolean logic and gates. Introduction to Hardware Description Languages (HDL). | ||
2 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – I: Review of Boolean logic and gates. Design and code of And, Or, Not gates using the universal NAND gate. | ||
3 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – II: Design and HDL code for XOR chip using And, Or, Not gate chips. Verification of XOR chip using interactive chip testing in the hardware simulator. | ||
4 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – III: Design and HDL code for standard combinational circuits like Encoder, Decoders, Multiplexers, and De-Multiplexers. | ||
5 | HDL for Combinational Circuits – IV: Design and HDL code for multi-bit gates. Design of And16, Or16, Not16, and Mux16 chips having 16-bits inputs. | ||
6 | Data Representation in Computers: Unsigned and Signed Numbers, Sign magnitude representation, 1s and 2s Complement representation, Overflow detection, and Sign Extension. | ||
7 | Encoding Characters and Strings: ASCII and Unicode, Conversion Examples, Range and Precision. | ||
8 | Simplification of Boolean Circuits | ||
9 | Design of Arithmetic Circuits-I | ||
10 | Design of Arithmetic Circuits-II | ||
11 | Design of Decoders and their applications | ||
12 | Design of Encoders and their applications | ||
13 | Design of Multiplexers/Demultiplexers and their applications | ||
14 | Design of ALU – I: Designing a single bit Logic Unit. Writing HDL for Combinational Arithmetic Circuits like Half Adder, Full Adder, Full Subtractor. | ||
15 | Design of ALU – II: Components of a Computer System, Design of ALU, The Hack ALU Operations, Verifying the ALU chip on the Hardware Simulator. | ||
16 | Design of Sequential Circuits – I: Understanding Time in Circuits, Combinational vs Sequential Circuits, Flip Flops: D Flip Flop, SR Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, T Flip Flop. | ||
17 | Design of Sequential Circuits – II: Design of Registers: What are Registers? Design of 1-bit and 16-bit Registers, HDL for Registers. | ||
18 | Design of Memory – I: Concept of Memory Hierarchy, Multi-Byte Read/Write, Design of Random Access Memory, Read/Write Logic of RAM, HDL of various RAM chips. | ||
19 | Design of Memory – II: API of a RAM Chip, HDL of 8 Words RAM, 64 Words RAM, 512 Words RAM, 4K Words RAM, 16K Words RAM. | ||
20 | Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) – I: Overview of Computer System, Universality of Computer System, Turing Machine, Von Neumann Architecture. | ||
21 | Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) – II: Five Dimensions of ISA, Types and Sizes of Operands, Operations (including control flow instructions), Memory Addressing Models. | ||
22 | Hack Machine Language – I: Hack Computer Machine Language, Review of Hardware of Hack Computer, A Instruction, C Instruction, Examples. | ||
23 | Hack Machine Language – II: Hack Assembly Language, Symbols and Variables, Handling Labels, Assembler Implementation. | ||
24 | Input and Output Devices – I: Interfacing with Hardware, HDL for Interfacing Screen and Keyboard. | ||
25 | Input and Output Devices – II: Implementation of the Hack Platform, HDL for Interfacing with I/O Devices. | ||
26 | Assembler Design: Translating Hack Assembly into Binary, Hack Assembler Implementation. | ||
27 | CPU Design – I: Overview of the Hack CPU, HDL for Hack CPU, Verifying the Hack CPU. | ||
28 | CPU Design – II: Detailed Design of the Hack CPU, Testing and Debugging. | ||
29 | Memory and Register File: Design of the Hack Computer Memory System, HDL for Memory System. | ||
30 | Integration of CPU and Memory: Complete Design of the Hack Computer, Testing the Hack Computer. |
Machine Learning (Draft)
Sr | Topic Description | Lecture Resources | Sessional Instruments |
1 | Overview of Machine Learning | VL-6.1 |
2 | Math behind simple Linear Regression | VL-6.2 |
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| VL-6.3 |
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| VL-6.4 |
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| VL-6.5 |
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| VL-6.6 |
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